Art of Enchantment

Group Exhibitions at MUZA - Eretz Israel Museum
22 July 2022 - 03 January 2023
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Curated by Dr. Debby Hershman, Chief Curator of Eretz Israel Museum

Art of Enchantment is a quaint artistic and curatorial endeavour that brings together ancient and contemporary art along an ethnographic path. Works were chosen from the over half a million pieces in the museum’s collection and from the famous Dina & Michael Weiss Collection of African Art, with deference to the years of research in the field of ethnography available to the museum. On show are works “that are the fruit of the dialogue between the artist, one’s own body, the community to which it belongs and that of those who benefit from the work.” ~Fiammetta Martegani

Many Moons, Installation view at Art of Enchantment, 2022, Photo by Dorit Kedar
MUZA - Eretz Israel Museum
Exhibited Artworks